Saturday 31 December 2011

Wmsl, reveal yourself please.

Text either of us please.

It's just how we roll !!!!

Plastic cups from the bathroom, and genuine coca-cola. This is the life.

We have arrived.

NYE 8:53pm

How rockstar are we?
We've had a meal and are ready for bed.

We looked for captain Morgan, but alas he didn't make it across the channel.
We had our first fondue this evening in the restaurant which is linked to our hotel. The waiter has restored a little faith in the French race. He was extremely helpful. We had a cheese fondue, the cheese a particularly pungent variety. Not normally lovers of French plonc, we went for the local white. It was surprisingly nice.
There is some stuff happening in the centre this evening, but the temperature is about 3deg so its raining instead of snowing. Not quite a 'Saalbach iron man' moment.

Hello boot twin.

Tomorrow is supposed to be warm, so with any luck we may reach Courchevel.

Tomorrow is also our final days skiing in the 3 Vallee's, we then pack up and head out on the next leg of our 'invincible tour'. We have another days drive through Italy to the Italian ski resort of andalo. Perhaps lunch there may be cheaper than today;
2 cokes, 1 water, 2 onion soups
£ 50.

In case we do not hear from those we hold dear,
We are writing this because we're not near.
We want to leave you with some new year wishes,
On our honeymoon, we send our love and kisses.
This year we wanted to create a memory,
But with you all we cannot be.
Do not worry nor do not fret,
Our speedy return you can bet.
We love you all, and love you dear,
Mr & Mrs C are saying Happy New Year.

Bon Annee'

J&S xxxxxxxx

P.s. I have added a picture of me, just to prove that I am actually here. If anyone was thinking of getting married in a ski resort, we're right up for it.

NYE 4:30

Just had a good days skiing. Jodie has progressed huge amounts. So much so, I'm actually positively impressed.
We are just getting showered and are going to have a mooch around brides les bains.

Hope all are well, will write again later.

We will both have our mobiles on us later.
Enjoy your evenings,


Picture of boots in quarantine.

Interpol have been informed.

(God, I sound like my Dad).

Fear Not

After a brief mission this morning, the boots are back in our posession.
Unfortunately due to the national secrets act. I am unable to divulge any details.

The purse is feared MIA (missing in action). The card companies have been informed.

J & S

Friday 30 December 2011


A good and bad day yesterday............
We awoke to snow, had breakfast and went up to the slopes. Snowing on the slopes, skiing was great, with good surface powderey snow. Come the afternoon, we felt tired and made our way back. Upon arrival at the hotel, you drop off your skis and change out of your ski boots into normal footwear.

Jodies boots had been stolen.

My new wife holds an opinion of the French which I dare not write.

This left us in a predicament of having to buy new boots. She also wanted to get a ski helmet. We came upto the room to grab jodies purse. It.was nowhere to be found. We searched everywhere. We were feeling very despondent. We decided to drive back to our first hotel, as this was the last place we'd had it. This was down in moutiers. After pulling off the motorway, the police were there making everyone put snowchains on. So we went into a shop and whilst in the car park, I put on the snow chains. Whilst wearing full skiing attire, needless to say by the end I had stripped down to my vest, was filthy and hot.
We pulled out of moutiers and headed towards the next town 'albertville'. Here we hoped to get the boots and bits we wanted.
Having pulled back onto the motorway/dual carriageway it became very apparent that snow chains were not necessary and that you couldn't travel above 30mph. So at the earliest oppurtunity we stopped again to remove the snow chains. I pulled up behind 6 cars that were also removing their chains. A car pulled in behind me. Space was tight, and a little precarious to remove them. I donned the hi-viz and started to take them off.
All was well until 2 massive snowploughs came along. They were unable to.squeeze past as it was a dual carriageway. THey had to take up the other carriageway aswell, causing everyone to slow to their pace, and stare. It seemed that as soon as anyone saw that we were English, they needed to hold their horn on as long as possible. Starting with the 2nd snowplough. I did remonstrate with the driver, and introduced him some good old fashioned Anglo Saxon. He neglected to stop as I had requested, so that he would be able voice his opinion face to face.
That said, I removed the snow chains in record time and we were the first to pull away.

5 mins up the road we caught my newest friend in the snow plough. I, like he did when he passed us, left my horn on as long as possible and gave him his 2nd lesson in Anglo Saxon.

I was now breathing normally, my blood pressure had returned to normal levels and all was well again.

We had some retail therapy and we were back to normal.

Out first hotel didn't have jodies purse. We returned to brides and our hotel room. Jodie cancelled her cards and I watched French tv.

We didn't make it to courchevel yesterday because of adverse weather on mountain. Today we are going to try again to lunch in courchevel.

We're both in good spirits and looking forward to the next leg of the 'invincible tour'.

Jodie now looks like a storm-trooper in her new helmet and mask.

Thursday 29 December 2011


We have woken this morning to 4" of snow through the night and still going.
Loving it

Thursday 9pm

Hi, we have today been skiing around meribel. After an interesting journey up the gondola ski lift we made it to the pistes. After a little encouragement, Jodie soon picked up where she left off previously in saalbach. There was low cloud cover all day on the top half of the pistes, at times visibility down to a bear minimum.
We had a late lunch and came down to brides les bains where our hotel is. Jodie was absolutely shocked by the scale of the gondola lifts to reach the pistes and the scale of the resort in comparison to her previous ski holiday.
We have just eaten in a local restaurant and have now retired to our hotel bar for a nightcap.
Tomorrow, we plan to ski into courchevel and have lunch here.

Hope all are well,

Jodie & Stuart

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Thursday 8:20am Moutiers

Yesterday, we drove down to Moutiers. This would be our staging post for our first days skiing in the 'Trois Vallee's'.
What a day!!! Following the sat nav, we managed to get down here only paying €2.10 tolls. This was however, done by breaking my new wife into mountain passes. We came through Belgium, touching Luxembourg & Switzerland. We arrived at 9:45 in the evening and settled down straight away, as we were exhausted.
We are now heading out to our first day's skiing.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Eve before departure

We're packed, loading the truck and excited about the impending trip.


This is our blog for our honeymoon.
It is 11am on the 27th. We leave in the morning and are getting ready for our roadtrip.