Wednesday 4 January 2012

Great day today in Andalo, but bloody freezing!!!!

Wednesday 4th Jan 12.
18.31 pm.
Currently -3C


We have had a great day today skiing, we managed to complete most of the runs on the piste map and I didn't take anyone out; in particular children. (Story for another time!) LOL! I also didn't have my boots stolen and my purse is safely locked away. (Even from Stuart) so all in all, we are happy and enjoyed our first day skiing in Andalo.

I must add that at 8.45am we were 2125 metres high; it was extremely cold!!!! Never have I experienced such conditions!!! We did not have hardly enough layers on for the sub zero temperatures. We now know for tomorrow!!!  The snow, however, was lovely and powdery on the slopes enabling me to improve my technique further and helping my confidence to pick more speed up, still not enough mind to keep up with ol' Franz Klammer! ('Stuart' - apparently his dad called him this when he was younger!) but nonetheless I am getting there. :-)

I have added a few pictures that we have taken today. The views were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!  Took my breath away; in more ways than one!!! Literally it did!!! :-)

We are now in Stuarts favourite place; "the bar " we are just waiting to have dinner so making the most of the Wi-Fi. We are getting accustomed to the strange looks now; we put this down to us two being the only English in the whole of Andalo!!!
Again, my perception of our fellow Europeans has altered. I was always under the impression that Italians were 'beautiful' people; nah ah, nope, non, nadda. How wrong I was again. Not even seen an 'almost' attractive individual yet... As well as the people, I also thought Italy as a whole was supposed to be a beautiful country, (The Godfather, etc.) don't get me wrong we have seen some amazing sights but then again during our journey here from France we have also seen some appalling sights. We went through several small towns that Stuart could only express as " worse than up north... "

Needless to say, Andalo is a very nice place and we have enjoyed our time here. Looking forward to getting back up the slopes tomorrow...

We are off to dinner now, will post again tomorrow. Enjoy our pictures.

Much love.


J & S


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